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Building Incremental Credentials

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Proposal Phase – Developing the How, What, Where, and When

Building Incremental Credentials

Proposal Phase – Developing the How, What, Where, and When

In the proposal phase, you work through all the many details on how credential(s) are developed and delivered. If clear guidelines for a credential proposal exist within your system, institution, or organization, you should follow them, of course. In general, areas to consider include:

  • Type of credential(s) – What is the academic or field area for the credential(s)? What type of credential(s) are you developing? What are the components of the credential(s)? At what level are the credential(s)? Are there prerequisites to the credential(s)?
  • Learning expectations – What are the expected outcomes from the credential(s)? Are the outcomes competency-based? Learning outcomes-based? How will the learning be evaluated? What types of assessment will be used to capture the outcomes? What evidence is needed to demonstrate progression and completion of the credential(s)?
  • Modality and format – How will the credential(s) be delivered? Virtually, in-person, or hybrid? Is there an experiential (applied) component to the credential(s)? When and how often are the credential(s) delivered? How long does it take to complete the credential(s)? Are there specialized equipment or technology requirements for this credential?
  • How do the credential(s) link to other credentials? Is there a competency- or learning outcomes-based crosswalk that demonstrates connections among other credentials? How do the credential(s) fit within academic and workplace pathways?
  • What is required of learners to participate in the credential(s)? What prerequisites must be in place?
  • What learner supports (learner services) exist? How will learners be informed about and advised throughout the credentials? How are learners supported if they struggle?
  • Credential documentation – How is successful completion documented and recorded? Is there a transcript or official record of successful completion? Is there a digital representation for the credential(s)? Is the credential part of an auditing system? Is it part of a comprehensive learn and work record (LER) or the equivalent? Will the credential(s) be part of Credential Engine’s Credential Registry?
  • Funding – How much does it cost to develop the credential(s)? What are the costs to learners? What resources are needed to sustain the credential(s)?

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