Is a National Tipping Point Study Needed to Improve Our Credentialing System?

Learn-and-Work Ecosystem


Learn-and-Work Ecosystem

The learn-and-work ecosystem is a connected system of formal and informal learning (education and training) and work. The ecosystem is composed of many building blocks. When all the building blocks are working together, individuals can move more seamlessly through the marketplace using a variety of credentials to communicate the skills and knowledge acquired in multiple settings (e.g., school, work, service, self-study). Employers have more detailed and externally validated information during their hiring and upskilling processes. Schools are better able to count learning obtained outside of academic settings toward a degree or other credential. And the public is informed about our learn-and-work ecosystem. For the ecosystem to function effectively, all parts of the system must be connected and coordinated.


Learn & Work Ecosystem Library

The Learn & Work Ecosystem Library was developed side-by-side to Credential As You Go as a companion and complementary effort. The mission of the Library is to make learn-and-work ecosystem information easier to find, use, and maximize for diverse stakeholders. The Library is an open-source, free and searchable website for information.
Built on research conducted to build the Library, the Library organizes its searchable information around 12 key components (building blocks) identified to comprise the learn-and-work ecosystem:
Career Navigation
Communications & Technology
Credentials & Providers (Higher Education fits in this category)
Data, Databases, Standards (Data Ecosystem)
Employers & Workforce
International Developments
Organizations (Alliances/Intermediaries)
Quality & Value

The Library informs users about the learn-and-work ecosystem with many types of content and functions:

1. GLOSSARY of terms used in the learn-and-work ecosystem.
2. INDEX of all artefacts at the Library to expedite searches.
3. KEY COMPONENTS and SUB-COMPONENT TOPICS in the ecosystem, including links to other websites and resources for further information.
4. KEY INITIATIVES working in these areas, to improve aspects of the ecosystem.
5. ORGANIZATIONS working in the learn-and-work ecosystem
6. ARCHIVE of historical documents and websites.
7. CURATION by a librarian.
8. WIKI MODEL to enable the community to request new content and request editing for current content.


Learn & Work Ecosystem Glossary

The Learn & Work Ecosystem Library Glossary Widget is an embeddable tool that allows external websites to seamlessly integrate a comprehensive glossary of terms from the learn-and-work ecosystem. The widget provides real-time access to key definitions, improving user engagement and enhancing the educational value of the host site.

Key Benefits to Embedding Widget at External Website

Real-time Syncing: Automatic updates as changes are made in the Library Glossary, ensuring users have the most current information.

Interactive Learning: Clickable Glossary terms link users to more detailed explanations and related concepts within the Library.

Seamless Integration: Easy-to-embed widget into any external website provides instant access to specialized terminology with minimal setup.

Low Maintenance: No need for manual management or frequent content revisions since updates are handled automatically at the Library.

Leveraging Resources: Supplementing external website’s resources with free Glossary tool potentially saves costs since external website no longer needs to manage, add, or revise definitional resources for their users.

Wiki Model: Since Library functions as a wiki model, external websites can request additional terms be added to the Library to meet the definitional needs of their users. 

Diversity: The Library Glossary is available in 12 languages, selected by user. This enables an external website to increase their service to users of languages other than English.


Key Work Related to Incremental Credentialing

Improving Education and Employment Outcomes