This document serves as an initial attempt to bring clarity to the diverse and evolving terminology within the learn-and-work ecosystem, particularly focusing on incremental credentialing. It aims to establish common ground by providing key definitions and understanding of terms used by various stakeholders, including learners, educational institutions, employers, policymakers, and accrediting bodies. Recognizing the influence of key organizations in shaping this language, the document acknowledges its evolving nature and commits to ongoing refinement as a dynamic resource housed on the Credential As You Go website and the broader Learn & Work Ecosystem Library.
Credential As You Go has acquired three phases of funding to date. Lumina Foundation funded Phase I, resulting in the Incremental Credential Framework for testing. The Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education funds Phase II (Grant R305T210063), which focuses on rapid prototyping of and research on incremental credentials with a national campaign. An anonymous private donor fund at the Program on Skills, Credentials & Workforce Policy at George Washington University funds the development of the prototype Learn and Work Ecosystem Library. Walmart funds Phase III, which focuses on systems change for expansion and sustainability of incremental credentials. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of Lumina Foundation, Institute of Education Sciences, the U.S. Department of Education, Walmart, or George Washington University.