Is a National Tipping Point Study Needed to Improve Our Credentialing System?

Participant Profile


East Carolina University



Public University


Greenville, NC



Implementation stage & efforts to date

Early Stage

  • Completed a digital badging process for co-curricular activities
  • Developing policy on co-curricular microcedentials with a cross campus committee. Committee work includes the development of microcredential approval process, assessment of strategic value to the region and workforce, and assessment of learning outcomes
  • Building infrastructure for co-curricular microcredentials including a student information system, integration with robust badging platform, and a funding model

Goals for participation

  • To collaborate with the regional workforce and campus community to develop co-curricular learning products that complement traditional credentials to meet regional workforce needs
  • Develop an agile process for timely professional work force development in emerging regional industries
  • Develop a policy to deliver academic microcredentials that are stackable and can be awarded as a learner progresses through their degree
  • Develop a culture that embraces the delivery of portable digital credentials to meet workforce needs
  • Develop clear pathways from non-credit microcredentials to for credit microcredentials


Associated Case Studies

Authentic Community Engagement

Evidence-based Observations for Equitable Academic Discourse

21st Century Leader

Improving Education and Employment Outcomes