Is a National Tipping Point Study Needed to Improve Our Credentialing System?

Participant Profile


Bay Path University



Private university


Longmeadow, Massachusetts



Implementation stage & efforts to date

Early stage

  • Included incremental credentialing as a key priority in their strategic plan with belief that it is the future learn-earn model that will be of particular benefit for the diverse student population they serve, the majority of whom are working adults enrolled in online programs
  • Vision is to collaborate with employer-partners to develop new, alternative learning products that complement traditional credentials in ways that meet labor market demands, allow for fluid entry and exit, and support coherent career-education pathway planning.

Goals for participation

  • Expand pilot practice of add-as-you-go by embedding additional alternative credentials in existing for-credit programs. 
  • Bring these credentials out of the curriculum as a standalone, value-add product for all learners and alumni regardless of whether their academic program embeds such credentials. Student services staff will need to invest in marketing these and will  serve a key role in the project team. 
  • Design an incremental credential in collaboration with employer-partner to pilot approach of industry-aligned products that will fill a skills gap affecting our region. 
  • Learning from other institutions engaging in these types of credentialing and from Credential As You Go resources will help advance projects more rapidly than if we attempted on our own.

Associated Case Studies

Improving Education and Employment Outcomes