New Playbook: Incremental Credentialing in Graduate Education

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George Washington University | Credential As You Go | Learn & Work Ecosystem Library


Research Professor | Co-Lead







Research Professor | Co-Lead


Holly Zanville joined the GW Institute of Public Policy in 2021 as a Research Professor and Co-Director of the Program on Skills, Credentials & Workforce Policy. She is co-lead of the national initiative, Credential As You Go and lead of the Learn & Work Ecosystem Library. She also serves on the Executive Committee of the International Council on Badges and Credentials (ICoBC). Holly is a former strategy director at Lumina Foundation, where she focused for nearly 15 years on adult students and non-degree, workforce-relevant credentials, leading national initiatives such as Connecting Credentials, Credential Engine, and Credit When It’s Due. She also led research on how industry certifications are embedded in college programs, and was the architect of the Learn-and-Work Ecosystem Guide. Holly has a substantial history of speaking and writing about the meaning and value of credentials beyond high school. Prior to joining Lumina, Holly served as senior administrator/chief academic officer for the Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board, associate vice chancellor for academic affairs in the Oregon University System, state coordinator for Oregon Joint Boards K-20 Redesign Initiative, and director of economic development and regional internship programs for the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). She has held academic appointments in teaching, assessment of prior learning, grants management, and higher education policy and practice at colleges and universities in Iowa, Minnesota, Texas, and Oregon.


partnerships; naming and language; embedding credit for prior learning; external communications; quality; transcription

project management; academic program review; policy; learn/work programs; interoperable systems

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