Is a National Tipping Point Study Needed to Improve Our Credentialing System?


Credential As You Go Playbooks are “how-to” guides to provide topics, policies and practices that support developing an incremental credentialing system. Each playbook addresses different components core to incremental credentialing. Additional playbooks will be added as they are developed and new topics arise.

Each playbook includes a purpose statement; template(s), questions, and/or checklists to guide developments; and case studies/examples. In addition, playbooks contain related resources such as the Credential As You Go Dictionary, video recordings from Credential As You Go webinars, the Learn & Work Ecosystem Library, and resources others have recommended for this topic. These playbooks are living documents. As more incremental credentials are designed, tested, and implemented, the playbooks will reflect lessons learned, additional case studies, and new tools created by stakeholders.

Building Incremental Credentials


Provides an overview of incremental credentials, key considerations when designing and implementing different credentials, and links to case studies that illustrate different incremental credentials.

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Learner Supports


Guides credential providers (higher education institutions and third-party providers) to ensure that learner supports are effectively integrated into incremental credentials.

Learning Recognition Toolkit


Learning Happens Anywhere. It’s Time to Recognize It.

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Incremental Credentialing Framework


Describes the six approaches included in the Incremental Credentialing Framework which can serve as a guide to developing and implementing incremental credentials. The playbook also describes two additional components in the Framework: prior learning assessment and auto-awarding for credentials.

Embedding and Aligning Certifications with Academic Programs


Explores key issues associated with embedding or aligning certifications with academic degree and certificate programs.

Learner Supports

Guides credential providers (higher education institutions and third-party providers) to ensure that learner supports are effectively integrated into incremental credentials.

Learning Recognition Toolkit

Learning Happens Anywhere. It’s Time to Recognize It.

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Incremental Credentialing Framework

Describes the six approaches included in the Incremental Credentialing Framework which can serve as a guide to developing and implementing incremental credentials. The playbook also...

Embedding and Aligning Certifications with Academic Programs

Explores key issues associated with embedding or aligning certifications with academic degree and certificate programs.


Jan 18, 2024 02:00pm
 - Jan 18, 2024 03:00pm

Making the Case for Incremental Credentialing in Graduate Education

January 18, 2024; 2-3:30 p.m. Whether you call them non-degree credentials, micr...
Sep 20, 2023 02:00pm
 - Sep 21, 2023 05:00pm

Network Conference

2023 Credential As You Go Network Conference Incremental Credentialing: Explorin...

Video Resources

Sep 21, 2023
 | 47:30

Credential As You Go Network Conference: Day 2 – Part 2

Sep 20, 2023
 | 52:28

Credential As You Go Network Conference: Day 2 – Part 1

Sep 20, 2023
 | 1:48:48

Credential As You Go Network Conference 2023: Day 1

 | 1:39

Advisory Board Member Roy Swift

 | 3:43

Advisory Board Member Melanie Gottlieb

 | 5:32

Advisory Board Member Kelvin Bentley

 | 1:49

Advisory Board Member Karen Solomon

 | 2:59

Advisory Board Member Dr. Thomas Walker

 | 2:55 MINS

Advisory Board Member Amber Garrison Duncan

Credential As You Go Dictionary

Explore Partner Site

Visit our partner site, the “Learn & Work Ecosystem Library” to view a more extensive glossary of terms.

Frequently Asked Questions

An answer from one accrediting organization: We are just starting to have those conversations with institutions and systems. In all honesty, the majority of the focus has been around credit-bearing programs.

Many believe it is difficult – if not impossible – to undertake large-scale innovations due to accreditation requirements. Our postsecondary system is degree-centric, organized around associate, baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral and professional degrees. Incremental credentials change this dynamic. This potential increases the complexity of the changing educational waterways, but there are many checks and balances – key among them, the requirements of institutional accreditation for approved colleges and universities. Is an incremental credential system compatible with accreditation? Credential As You Go interviewed the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in fall 2021 to explore these issues.  One of the accreditors shared this answer: What I tell institutions and others asking about incremental credentialing is, “I hope you did not hear me say no.” I remind them that they should not believe the myth that accreditors won’t let us make changes, which is a common misperception. Accreditors have gotten a bad rap as for creating barriers to innovation and maintaining the status quo. Many institutional accreditors are not prescriptive about programs because programming is the institution’s domain. We ask that whatever the institutions develop comply with quality standards and that the institutions tell us how innovations are being implemented. Because we’re part of the regulatory triad, as an institutional accreditor we have to be sure institutions follow state and federal regulatory requirements The accreditor will review applicable changes to be sure the institution does not get into trouble while implementing initiatives and does not get caught among any bad actors who may also be working in this space. We’re asking institutions to demonstrate the quality and outcomes of their programs. Often when I hear others speaking about why accreditation is such a barrier, they’re referencing accreditation standards we no longer subscribe to. We have long since focused on outcomes, but I do admit that in the past, accreditation was very input-based – like how many of these do you have, how many of that? What percentage of? No longer.

Zanville & Travers (10/8/2021, Evolllution) Is Incremental Credentialing Compatible with Institutional Accreditation? Part 3:

Improving Education and Employment Outcomes