Reflections on Conducting Research in a Changing Credentialing Ecosystem

Kirk Knestis, Founding Principal of Evaluand LLC and Research Manager for Credential As You GoHolly Zanville, Research Professor and Co-Director of Program on Skills, Credentials & Workforce Policy at George […]
What CAYG Is Doing in Phase Two
Transforming the Credentialing System in the U.S. To transform our legacy degree system into a nationally recognized transferable incremental credentialing system, we must: Initially, six areas are targeted to increase […]
What We Learned in Phase One
The feasibility of a nationally recognized incremental credentialing system was explored through an 18-month planning, research, and testing project supported in 2019-2021 by a Lumina Foundation grant: Credential As You […]
Incremental Credentialing Model
An Incremental Credentialing Model was developed through an 18-month planning, research, and testing project supported in 2019-2021 through a Lumina Foundation grant: Credential As You Go, Phase One. The Incremental […]
Incremental Credentialing Framework
An Incremental Credentialing Framework was developed through an 18-month planning, research, and testing project supported in 2019-2021 through a Lumina Foundation grant: Credential As You Go, Phase One. The Incremental […]
Why this is important?
The postsecondary credentialing system in the U.S. is in crisis. The centuries-old, traditional four-tiered system (associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate) can be insurmountable for many and punitive to those who […]